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forms submission sent to different people based on dropdown selection 6 David Peralty
Notifications Conditional 3 Ruby
closed Conditionnal recipient mail 3 Szed
Conditional shortcode displays in Confirmation msg but not in email 5 Chris Hajer
Send conditional email notification to users 2 Chris Hajer
Different Submission Response based on answers in form. 2 Chris Hajer
Conditional logic on form submit 2 Chris Hajer
Looking for a manual response feature 2 David Peralty
Unanswered conditional items in email notifications 5 vincor67
closed Multiple confirmation messages 11 Chris Hajer
closed Automatic notification if multiple 'No' radio buttons selected 5 Chris Hajer
Different Notification Based On Form Data 2 Chris Hajer
closed Conditional form recipients 3 Chris Hajer
closed Nested conditional logic in notifications 2 Chris Hajer
User Notification Going to Incorrect address 5 Chris Hajer
Modify User Notification Email Based on Dropdown Selection of Countries 4 Rob Harrell
closed Modify User Notification Email Based on Dropdown Selection 12 Chris Hajer
Conditional Logic & Notification fields 5 Chris Hajer
Conditional Email Notifications 16 Rob Harrell
two different notification emails 5 Rob Harrell
closed Conditional E-mail Notifications and/or Thank you Messages 3 Rob Harrell
closed conditional logic for user notifications 30 Carl Hancock
Setting up a notifications rule based on presence of affiliate referral status 2 Carl Hancock
closed Custom fields as send to email notifications not working 21 Chris Hajer
Conditional logic impacting email 2 Carl Hancock
dynamic notification addresses 3 stuartriddle
Dynamically send email with different contents 2 David Smith
Giving users option to email a copy of a form to themselves? 2 Kevin Flahaut
closed Conditional notification mesasage 9 Carl Hancock