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Text Confirmation and Querystring at the same time. 3 David Peralty
Dynamically Populate Email Confirmation Field 2 Chris Hajer
Dynamic population: what to do if value not present 4 Chris Hajer
Gravity Forms Salesforce Escaped Characters Part II - Redirect Confirmation 2 iiworks
closed Querystring not passing variable properly 4 David Smith
Insert $_POST or $_GET value 20 Chris Hajer
Pass form data to receipt page? 10 Chris Hajer
closed Querystring URL problem (Text Confirmation vs Email Notification) 5 David Smith
[mobilus please repost with a new title ] 1 mobilus
closed Pricing field not passing updated value 8 Carl Hancock
closed Hebrew (or non-english) values in fields can't be used in querystring redirect ? 2 Alex Cancado
Redirect Querystring not working in Google Chrome 6 Carl Hancock
closed Include information from page in widget form submission 3 Chris Hajer
Multiple Thank You Page Options based on Checkbox Input 12 jthomas.griffin
Using Spaces in String Query in a Dynamically Populated Field 2 Carl Hancock
Conformation page not working 9 Carl Hancock
Populating Dynamic Fields with Hooks 2 Carl Hancock
closed HTTP POSTing form data to 3rd party aspx API 12 Underdog
closed problem with passing query string info 3 Taeke
Sending campaign variable to a for and from a form 3 danstramer
Sending parameters to a form 3 doncampbell
Gravity Form to SMF Forum? 11 Chris Hajer
Pulling custom fields data to form 5 drughelpdesk
Retrieve Query Strings on WordPress success page 6 Carl Hancock
Register once for several events 2 Carl Hancock
Dynamically populate form field using referring WP Post details 1 andrew1911
Hidden field not available in Querystring builder 3 Ben Hutchings
Passing querystring data to WP page? htaccess issues maybe? 3 Ben Hutchings
closed Pass Form Data Dynamically 5 David Smith
quotation form 15 Alex76