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Add product_wrapper class to all Paypal forms

  1. It looks like the product_wrapper class gets added to paypal forms that are subscriptions, but not for individual products. Can you add that class (or something similar) to all paypal linked forms? It's very helpful for adding formatting that makes them stand out as purchases vs being just another form.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday March 20, 2012 | Permalink
  2. I'm not aware of any functionality in the PayPal Add-On that adds a wrapper class to a form when a PayPal Feed exists for that form, subscription or otherwise.

    I would check to make sure you haven't added this "product_wrapper" class as a custom class to the form in it's Form Settings. It sounds like that is what is going on.

    If you want to style your payment forms differently from your non-payment forms, you can add a custom class to the form itself. You do this by editing the form, selecting Form Settings and then select the Advanced tab. An option will exist to apply a custom class to the form. This custom class will be applied to the main form wrapper.

    See this screenshot:

    You can do this to apply custom styles to a form. Create the styles using that class as well as css inheritance, and then apply that class to the forms you want to apply those styles to.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday April 3, 2012 | Permalink

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